Bookchase® is exactly what it says - a chase with books.
Bookchase® is also the world's first board game about books which comes with your own bookshelf, library card, bookshop, and your own set of tiny books to collect. First one to collect six books and head home wins! Simple really.
Bookchase® is a family game which can also be played by adults and is designed for anyone from 5 years upwards. Never read a book? - you could still win. Read all the books in the world? You could still lose. Dare you take the Bookchase® challenge?
Ja, egentligen var det ju inte jag som snubblade över det först utan Kate Reader Diversified. Men visst låter det kul?
5 kommentarer:
Åh, vill ha! Tack så jättemycket för tipset.
Varsågod. =)
Det låter som det ultimata spelet på en bloggträff!
Var har du hittat Josephine Teys bok? Bibblan?
Marianne: ja, visst gör det?
Dieva: nix, BookMooch. Det var en tjej i Storbritannien som hade den.
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